Wednesday 20 October 2010

Textual Analysis Of College Magazine Front Cover (2).

On the front cover of this 'Secondary Teachers' magazine, it is being represented in a very formal way which we can tell by the use of the colour black which appears very dominant on the front of the page. The colour black connotes the idea of power, formality and work which accompanied by the purple colour of the main cover line also suggests elegance as well. The colour of the masthead is what is apparent on each cover of the 'Secondary Teachers' magazine and could be considered as iconic of the magazine due to the fact that we would recognise the magazine by the colour of the masthead.The colours of the other cover lines are all in bright and eye catching colours which attract customers and make the magazine look more interesting and friendly.

The student that is on this front cover is being represented in a sophisticated and formal way which we can tell by the costume that she is wearing. The suit like costume connotes business and power to the audience which they are then able to relate to the main cover line which reads 'Meet The New Inspectors - they're not from Ofsted'. The formality of he costume and the main cover line are very well related especially to the target audience of secondary teachers in which Ofsted are a major part of their career. Also, because the student is posing as an Ofsted inspector, this suggests that the students are now the ones that are inspecting schools and putting forward their opinions on what changes they believe are needed within the school and with the teachers.

The camera angle and shot that is used is the iconic one used for several magazine covers which is the basic straight on mid-shot. This shot has worked particularly well with this front cover due to the fact that the audience is able to see her full costume therefore making it easier to relate back to the main cover line of the magazine. Also, the fact that this student is looking directly at the camera allows the audience to feel more involved in the magazine making it more personal to them.

We are able to identify the target audience of this magazine by simply reading the name of the magazine. But other factors that make us realise this more is the fact that the headlines of the magazine are all to do with different aspects of school and school life. A good example of this on this certain magazine cover is one of the cover lines at the top band of the page reads 'Summer Ashes Fever: Knock Your Students For Six'. This cover line immediately tells us that this magazine is aimed at teachers rather than students which we may believe it could be due to the image of the student on the front cover.

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