Thursday 7 October 2010

Textual Analysis Of College Magazine Front Cover (1).

On the front cover of this 'Secondary Teachers' magazine, it is represented in a exciting manner due to the use of the colours on the image. The bright red and blue colours of the boxing gloves are suggestive of fun and excitement due to the simple fact that they are both very bright colours. The colour of the main headline is yellow which is connotational of happiness and is also a bright colour which is very eye catching and draws attention to the magazine. The colour of the masthead is also a very bright and cheery colour as well as the cover lines also being the same. The bright use of colours is good for this particular front cover as the main headline is all about excitement and sport.

The student on this front cover is being represented in a happy and active way. We can tell this due to the fact that he is smiling and also appears to be sweating, this accompanied by the fact he is wearing boxing gloves and also accompanied by the main cover line informs the audience that this particular student has been boxing. 'Hooked. How non-contact boxing is proving a big hit in schools' this main cover line is in bold and brightly coloured text which reflects the image of the student very well. The impression received from this main cover line is that this particular magazine is informing the target audience of a new form of activity that is beginning to be used in school.

The costume of the student is very minimal and due to the medium close up used, we can only see a minority of it. The t-shirt that the model is wearing is a maroon polo t-shirt which would suggest to the audience that he is wearing a sports kit of some form. This becomes more obvious when we look at the boxing gloves as boxing is obviously a sport.

The camera angle that has been used on this front cover is the usual one that is used on most magazine front covers. It is the conventional medium close-up shot in which we can the see model who is looking directly at the camera. The fact that he is looking straight at the camera gives the audience the idea that he is looking at them and makes it more personal involving the reader more into the magazine. The shot used allows the image to dominate the front cover which alongside the main cover line informs the audience about what the main story of the magazine is going to be about.

The intended target audience is fairly obvious on this front cover magazine as the masthead is the target audience, secondary teachers. You could also possibly tell this by the fact that what appears to be the main story is about different teaching methods which will be more interesting to teachers rather then a student.

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