Wednesday 6 October 2010

Magazine Types.

There is a large amount of magazines on the market today that vary from genres such as gossip magazines to health magazines to sport magazines. The following list are examples of magazines that are on the market today.

- Men's Health
- Heat
- Kerrang
- New
- BBC Good Food
- The Big Issue
- Car Sport
- Vogue
- Cosmopolitan
- Star

This list is just a few of the hundreds of magazines that are out on the market today. Each magazine has its on convention which is its identity allowing the consumers to recognise the magazine. Apart from the actual name of the magazine, this could be the colours, cover lines and even the images used.

In magazines such as heat, they lure their target audience into purchasing the magazine by having a celebrity as the main image on the cover accompanied by a main cover line which is usually suggests that one of the star's secrets is going to be revealed or occasionally, they have 'embarassing' pictures of the celebrities to provide some humour for the consumer.

Every magazine has an intended target audience, for example 'Heat' would more than likely be targeted at the younger generation possible ranging from the ages 15 - 25 and the target audience would primarily be women due to the fact that it is a gossip magazine. Comparing this to a magazine such as Kerrang which is a music based magazine, the target audience would be completely different as it would target all ages and both male and female consumers as a range of people all ages and both genders like the type of music that is portrayed in Kerrang magazine.

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