Tuesday 5 October 2010

Conventions Of A Contents Page.

Page Numbers: Page numbers are essential on a contents page as they allow the consumer to locate the article that he or she wishes to find. These are genetically located next to the article title or are sometimes located on images that are representing the articles.

Picture Linkage: This is where there images on the contents page have some link to either the articles or a summary of the magazine. Ones which link to articles feature bands or artist of which the article stipulates about. This gives a visual aid to the consumer so they can identify whether or not this said magazine covers whom they are looking for.

Cover Story: This is one of the more important parts of the contents page as this is one of the reasons the consumer has opened or purchased the magazine, so making a spectacle of the cover story is important. Highlighting it in some format helps the consumer easily identify the location of the article.

Regular: This is a section on some magazines which include the articles which are featured week in week out this allows easy identification of their location.

Images: These are generally linked to the pictures etc (see ‘picture linkage’ and ‘page numbers’).

Colours: The colours generally match that of the cover and generally set how the magazine colours are going to be represented. For example in Kerrang magazine, the colours tend to be black and darker colours which relates back to the music genre.

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