Monday 8 November 2010

L.I.I.A.R Interpretation of The Brief.

Language: Media language refers to various conventions of magazines which include camera angles, colour codes, conventions, layout or 'splash' and house style (the look of the magazine).

Institution: Institutions are any company that creates or produces media texts. Examples of these are Q magazine, NME and Mix Mag. The institution also contains the publishers of the magazines and what they are involved with.

Ideology: Ideology is a dominant set of ideas which present themselves as a common sense or truth. Power relations are reinforced through ideology. This also contains the idea of moral values and what message the magazine holds such as NME(enemy of main stream music which we interpret through the name and how it sounds) connotation of the mast head. Q - quality music magazine. Duel cover magazines are also sometimes used to attract a wider range of audience. Synergy (different aspects of media which promote each other) Ideology is also seen to be aspirational and the image of the magazine reflects the genre.

Audience: A collective group of people reading/watching/listening to any type of media. Every part of media also has a target audience that they have in mind which they appeal to by having certain themes or story lines that would attract the intended audience. Audience also covers age, gender, type, social class and defines the target audience. We can define social class with audience by breaking it down into the social status:
- A = upper middles class i.e. doctors.
- B = middle class i.e. teachers.
- C1 = lower middle class i.e. police officers.
- C2 = skilled working class i.e. plumbers.
- D = working class i.e. manual workers.
- E = underclass i.e. casual labourers, unemployed or students.

Representation: How the image, setting, text and themes are shown to the audience and how they see it. This is done by referring to the theme of the media text and having the images, setting and text relate back to it. Representation also covers the idea of target audience, the central image on the splash, the music behind the magazine (how the name of the magazine reflects the music genre). This also goes on to represent the music genre and the ideology.

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