Wednesday 10 November 2010

Conventions Of A Music Magazine - Taken From Q Magazine.

Masthead: The masthead tends to be big and bold which usually stands out from the background of the magazine. They are all visually branded in different ways due to different colour schemes and titles. The colour of the title on the Q magazine is red and white, the red connotes excitement and also stands out on the page attracting people's attention and draws them in due to the boldness of the colour.

Dateline: Music magazines all have the month and year that they came out as well as the issue number which allows potential buyers to be able to know which issue they need and whether they have bought it or not. This never takes up a large part of the cover and is just a small informative section.

Main Image: This tends to be one big image that takes up the majority of the page usually a hit artist or a band that has made news or made a come back or even bought out a new album. The band always relates to the theme of the magazine i.e. rock, pop, r'n'b, punk, hip hop. On the Q magazine the image is of U2 which tells the audience that they are the main storyline in the magazine and could also connote a rock theme but Q magazine covers a vast range of music types so it changes with each issue.

Cover lines: Cover lines are used to inform the audience what has been covered in the magazine usually other stories apart from the anchorage. The text is usually bold and colourful but doesn't take the attention of the main headline and is used to inform people whats has been covered in the magazine which could attract them if they admire a certain person in the magazine but if they didn't like them they could also avoid the magazine.

Main Cover Line: The main cover line (or anchorage) relates back to the main image. The main cover line is the biggest story that is in the magazine which is different in every issue of the magazine. It is usually information about a music artist for example if they have released a new album or if rumours have been spread that they are going to split up. In the Q magazine I have looked at the Main Cover Line is "U2 ARE BACK" which would make the target audience buy it to find out what they are back from

Bar code: Every music magazine has a bar code which tends to contain the information about the date of the magazine and the price.

Selling Line: Most music magazines have a selling line such as 'Live Life Loud' which is the selling line of Kerrang. Magazines such as Q do not have selling lines.

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