Tuesday 9 November 2010

Conventions of The Brief.

- Front Cover
- Contents Page
- Double Page Spread
(must produce 3 different textual analysis posts for each of the above)

Front Page: Main image, masthead (title, ideology which represents the magazine genre), cover lines, left third, banner headlines (gives main anchorage and anchors the meaning of the image), selling lines, tag line (sums up editional philosophy), bar code, price and date, puffs (advertises something on the magazine i.e. competitions) and kickers (explanatory line for the main banner).

Contents Page: Masthead (contents), page numbers, images, headlines, features and regulars (features are specific to the edition whereas regulars are regular to the magazine.

Double Page Spread: Domineering image, headline, story which relates to the main cover line on the front page - provides continuity throughout out the magazine.

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