Wednesday 15 December 2010

Double Page Spread Conventions.

Masthead: The masthead tends to be big and bold and jumps of the page by using a series of techniques such as bright colours, bold and big text or by simply placing it on a plain background so it stands out a great deal more. The masthead of a double page spread is more than likely the main cover line on the front cover of a magazine there for the masthead must be related to what is said on the over of the magazine. This also informs the audience about what the article is about so they can then go on to read the article getting a general idea of what to expect.

Article: The article is probably the most important aspect of the double page spread as that is what everybody would expect to see and is also the article that the main cover line is generally about. The article informs the audience about certain events that have taken place and a reporter has made a story about. The text usually takes up a large quantity of the page and is accompanied by an image which relates to the story.

Image: Images are always contained within double page spread as they relate to the article that has been written about the person that stars in the image. The celebrity will usually pose in a certain way with a certain costume, setting and props in order to give off the image that is related to the article which is important otherwise the article and the picture would not make sense if they was placed together.

Page Numbers: The page number is on the page for a simple reason, it allows the consumer to notice which page they are on and makes it a great deal easier for them to find their desired page.

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