Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Textual Analysis (1).

This contents page is represented in a provocative way in the sense that the model is lied on the floor in fairly revealing clothing which produces the idea for the audience about the model and her style of music or it could also produce the idea for the genre of the magazine in which she has appeared. The colours used are all natural/stone like colours which are subtle and give the magazine a elegant and modern look to it. The masthead is very quirky in the sense that it is very jumbled up and on different levels. The font is bold and and takes up the full top right hand corner of the page. The colour white connotes innocence which clashes with the image of the woman but stands out on the stone coloured background.
Running down the right hand side of the page is a list of features what the consumer expects to find in the magazine. The name of the feature is accompanied my a page reference number so create the chance for the audience to be able to find the specific page in the magazine that they would like to look at. Underneath this is another column named fashion which expresses to the audience that this magazine is targeted at young women which contrasts to the idea audiences would get from the image being that the male audience would more than likely be attracted to this magazine due to the picture that has been placed on the contents page.

The colour of this typography is black which continues the theme of elegance and the theme of the stone like colours but it stands out on the lighter background. The actual font itself is a very elegant font which we can tell by the swirls that we see in the writing.

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