Wednesday 8 December 2010

Conventions Of A Contents Page.

Article Names: Article names play a big part on a contents page as they tell the audience what they will see in the certain issue of a magazine allowing them to make a decision whether they want to buy it or make a decision on which article they want to read if they don't want to read the full magazine. All types of magazines have article names in them because if they didn't then the magazine wouldn't make any logical sense as you wouldn't have much idea what the article is about and whether you are even reading the same or a different article.

Page Reference Numbers: Page reference numbers are generally found next to the article names so the consumer knows which page to turn to for a particular article that they want to read about. It is a quick and efficient way of finding certain articles rather than flicking through the magazine looking for what you want.

Images: Images are frequently used on contents pages as they relate back to the article names and what is in the magazine, the images also add colour to the contents page. The colours that are contained in the contents page usually relate back to the colours on the front cover in order to keep a theme going that is suitable for the magazine and suitable for the intended target audience.

Subscriptions: On a contents page there is sometimes a subscription section in which the consumer can subscribe to the magazine so that they don't miss any of the issues rather than just going to the shop and picking them up randomly, they can have them delivered to their houses which is sometimes and easier way for people to buy this magazine. In the subscription there will generally be contact numbers or forms of addresses so that the consumer is able to ring/email or send letters to the company.

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