Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Textual Analysis (3).

The contents page of this Vibe magazine is very dominated by the image to the point where the full page is covered by this one single image. The image is very sterotypical of the R'n'B genre as it represents the idea of gangs and how the majority of R'n'B singers are black. We can tell this by the costume of the models that are seen in the image as they are wearing slouched jeans as well as big thick chains with pendants on them. The colours used on the image are strictly black, whites and greys giving the image a very old fashioned feel towards it.
The masthead used on this contents page is not very large and dominant but is noticable due to the bold font and the bold black colour that is very sterotypical of Vibe magazine using bold colours and fonts to show the audience that this is the contents page. The other text that we see on the contents page are columns which tell the audience about the departments of the magazine as well as a column that says 'U style' which is very ambiguous as to whaty this could mean. The font used is also iconic of Vibe magazine as it is bold, elegant and in black which we see on most of the magazines issued by Vibe.

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