Wednesday 15 December 2010

Contents Page Textual Analysis (2).

On this contents page taken from a drum and bass type magazine we can clearly see that the majority of the page is dominated by an image of Sam Sparro. The image represents the idea that he is at a concert which we can tell by the fact he is singing into a microphone, the colours that are present on this image are very party like colours being fluorescent pinks, blues and greens. Along side this image is the masthead which is not very dominant on the contents page, the font used is small and thin and is also yellow which stands out on the black background but is not blatantly obvious to the audience. The other image we can see on this page is an image of a woman who appears to be at a concert or party of some form. These images could inform the audience about who is it specifically targeted at, the image of Sam Sparro would attract any fans of him but would also attract women. On the other hand the image of the woman would more than likely attract men rather than women promoting the idea that this magazine is aimed at both genders.

We also see a feature section on this contents page which allows us to see what is present in the magazine. This is also accompanied by page reference numbers allowing the audience to find specific pages or articles that they may want to read. The font used is bold on the sub headings but is small on the caption that goes with this and is also in black. This would attract the audiences attention but not so much so that they do not recognise the image.

Running along the bottom of the page is a small banner that promotes a free CD that is related to the drum and bass theme of the magazine. There is also a small article that explains whose CD it is and the style of music contained with in the magazine.

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